BULLYING 101 TRAINING DVA Leadership & Development Training is partnering with Proviso West High School in November and December to provide its 2014 freshman class with educational development on Bullying. School District 209 - Proviso West High School has more than 500 students in its freshman class from multiple feeder communities. DVA staff worked with Proviso West principal, Oscar Hawthorne this summer to start a Peer Mediation program. Bullying is next on a list of youth and professional development strategies Hawthorne has planned for his students, staff and parents this school year. Bullying is defined as unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived imbalance of power. It is negative, aggressive behaviors that are repeated with the intent of harm from one youth to another. Traditional forms of bullying like physical aggression, hitting, pinching, pushing and property damage remain an issue however in today's technological age...