Abbreviations like IBT (Internet-Based Training), CBT (Computer-Based Training) or WBT (Web-Based Training) have all been used as synonyms for e-Learning systems. All these terms are currently being used in the industry though WBT is the most recent of the buzz words in most companies today. WBT is a new interactive approach to distance learning in which Internet technology and methodologies are used to present live or interactive learning content. Usually a self-paced instructional on any topic, it can be manipulated or modified at will. It is easily adapted to each learn and offers media-rich components that can even offer evaluation systems written into the program. Such a system makes evaluating training programs more detailed verses the five minute evaluation system offered at the end of most instructional facilitator-based training. WBT is the any-time; any-where system of training that begs administrators to rethink organizational training budgets and offer specific content ...
Does DVA also work with HR departments to assess hiring practices? Perhaps skills needed for positions are not clearly identified and the gap between employee and the right skills for the job.