
Showing posts from 2011

Building Employee Skill

Today more than ever, employees need to have the right skills to meet the strategic challenges of the organization and employee career-paths need to align with these objectives. DVA programs explore processes essential to achieving an optimal match between individual and organizational needs. Our training programs promote individual growth and organizational renewal.

Tips for using social media in the classroom.

Sandra (@DVAtraining) has shared a Tweet with you: "mashable: 3 Tips for Teachers Using Social Media in the Classroom -" -- Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Mobile Learning

What is m-learning? Any activity that allows individuals to be more productive when consuming, interacting with, or creating information, mediated through a compact digital portable device that the individual carries on a regular basis, has reliable connectivity, and fits in a pocket or purse. Want to increase your team's mobile learning strategy? Contact DVA Leadership & Development 

T+D Blog: Improv....As a Training Tool

T+D Blog: Improv....As a Training Tool


Abbreviations like IBT (Internet-Based Training), CBT (Computer-Based Training) or WBT (Web-Based Training) have all been used as synonyms for e-Learning systems. All these terms are currently being used in the industry though WBT is the most recent of the buzz words in most companies today. WBT is a new interactive approach to distance learning in which Internet technology and methodologies are used to present live or interactive learning content. Usually a self-paced instructional on any topic, it can be manipulated or modified at will. It is easily adapted to each learn and offers media-rich components that can even offer evaluation systems written into the program. Such a system makes evaluating training programs more detailed verses the five minute evaluation system offered at the end of most instructional facilitator-based training. WBT is the any-time; any-where system of training that begs administrators to rethink organizational training budgets and offer specific content

Tracking Impact

Studies show that more than half the organizations offering learning programs, more than 50% of them do not measure the business impact of their learning programs. They cite both a lack of resources and people qualified to tract impact, as well as the need for a better understanding of measurement methodologies. Still worse, is the fact that few learning officers believe measurement is a priority or a requirement. Why are companies investing money by training employees with no expected return to impact their bottom line? Why are learning officers not required to show a return on the investment (ROI)? Contact DVA and let our consulting team show you how to maximize you learning investments.

Tips for Training Adult Learners

Adult learners are sometimes hard to train because they demonstrate certain characteristics. Adults tend to decide for themselves what is important to be learned. They usually need to validate the information based on their own beliefs and personal experiences. Adult learners have much experience in which they can pull from which forces their fixed viewpoints. Adults have certain learning principles, some of them include: A plethora of challenges and ideas How to respect others’ opinions How to treat others and learn from their perspective opinions Tend to rule what they learn and determine how it is applied Everything must focus on real world problems and relate to the learning goals Remember these tips when training and/or coaching adult learners.

Emotional Intelligence


Emotional intelligence (EQ)

For years people have been judged by their IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Many have lost jobs and been forced out of the business world for lack of intelligence. I don’t think it is fair but true. Success is not solely based on IQ or even conventional intelligence in the workplace. A relatively new behavioral model shows prominence in many business strategies, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is one of them. The early theories were developed in the 1970’s and 80’s by famed psychologists Howard Gardner from Harvard and Peter Salovey of Yale with John Mayer of New Hampshire. Their work suggests that emotional intelligence is important to organizational development with regard to developing people. By understanding people’s behaviors and attitudes, it is more likely to offer insight and understanding to their roles in the organization and help to determine ways in which they can be more successful. Emotional Intelligence is significant in the workplace from recruitment to customer services techni

Social Services Worker?

Team Leader? Activity Leaders? Mentor? Program Coordinator? Social Services Worker - A name by any other name is still a social worker How many executive and management leaders in the field of social services can really say beyond the shadow of a doubt that your program goals are being met 100%? Who can say that services are being delivered 100% by your line staff the way they should be? Are your grant requirements being met? How close does your staff come to aligning their behaviors with the company mission statement outside of the annual all-staff meeting? Let’s face it, with paperwork, grant-seeking and writing, board meetings, philanthropic negotiations and advocacy … state meetings … federal meetings, staff meetings and the list can go on and on and on; who has the time to supervise the front line staff? Sure you trust your on-site supervisors but again, let’s face facts, with today’s economy and the fear of losing one’s job, how much are they really telling you? Leadership has b

Team-building: Agree to Disagree

FACT: Teams are hard to manage. FACT: Disagreement within teams is inevitable. When people with distinct styles and ideas come together to tackle complex challenges, opposition is bound to surface. Sometimes conversations about differences become defensive. Differences that breed a climate of distrust can lead to cohesion and performance spiraling downward very fast. While disagreement is unavoidable, stagnation is not! What do you do next? Would you believe that high performing teams actually thrive on difference? It’s true. A team with multiple voices and diversity of style and talent can move us toward a team-approved solution much quicker. How does a team move from discord to some sense of harmony? This transformation emerges from a fundamental shift in focus: from deficits to strengths, problems to possibilities, criticism to appreciation. The guiding question moves from "What's wrong, how do we fix it"? to "What's great, how do we do it even more

Achieving Your Goals

Achieving your goals means challenging yourself and overcoming obstacles. Even the most dedicated of us hard-working folk rarely succeed on our own. We all need expert help from time to time. DVA Leadership & Development Consultants offer that help to organizations in need. Our reputation is built on helping organizations like yours defy the odds and be more successful. With the right skills and training, you can meet challenges that will allow you to overcome those obstacles. Leadership and Team Develoment for managers gives you the skill you need to inspire your staff to achieve team goals. - Assess your current leadership performance - Identify the most effective leadership styles for your team - Develop a motivated workforce - Learn new coaching techniques Contact DVA today for more information and to schedule your Leadership and Team Development Training for Managers

Youth Training Series: Bullying and Intimidation

DVA offers a bullying and cyber-bullying course to program youth. If you run an afterschool or community-based program, or if you're simply interested in a school speaker, contact us to schedule your 3-hour course training on Bullying. Help young people identify their place in the bullying circle – victim, witness, predator, etc. Bullying prevention and intervention strategies are provided for children and adolescents and include several user-friendly strategies to help improve connections, continuity, dignity and opportunities in their lives. These categories target resilience-building characteristics that will help to protect and heal youth from bullying experiences. Participants will learn what bullying is in its many forms, myths about bullying, how widespread bullying is, characteristics of both bullies and victims, and effects of bullying on victims and bystanders.

Environment, Health and Safety Training

Most human resource associates in service organizations are well aware of the need to educate workers regarding EHS (environment, health, and safety) issues, standards, and procedures. The answer is often EHS training. But instructing employees in a formal setting can be tedious and ineffective. What can be done to spice up EHS trainings and effectively educate employees? Health and safety trainings can easily fall into routine replays of well-meaning standards and precautionary measures. The following tips are suggested to liven up those EHS trainings: a. Identify your learning objectives—structure the course around a mental model workers can understand, based on information and procedures they will use in the workplace b. Know your audience—focus on the target group and be aware of what they already know c. Adjust for attitudes—realize that attitudes can be shaped so learned concepts will be used d. Engage and interact—involve learners and don’t be afraid of losing control of the cla

Adding Creativity to the Workplace

How does a manager tap into the energetic creativity new employees demonstrated during the hiring process? During the interview, new hires talk about successful strategies that worked in the past and how they can't wait to implement them. They also seem to be full of creative ideas for turning things around once they're hired. Where does all that enthusiasm end up in just weeks after the first day? What draws them in to the day-to-day mundane 'work'atmosphere that merely meets minimum expectations and does not embrace their creative drive? As a manager or supervisor, you can change all that. Let DVA Leadership & Development Training show you how get your team back to thinking outside the box. Complexity made Simple


Motivation, it is a topic that people know is important, continually discuss, and would love to predict. We would all love to know why people do what they do. But as it goes, the influence and understanding of it all is a bit beyond our scope. What is it that sets two people apart when they are given the exact same resources, opportunity and timeline to complete the same project? What is it that drives one to do greater than the other? Motivation! Even though motivation can't always be defined to suit the masses, it remains a very important component of the workplace. What attributes does the motivated employee possess that allows for him/her to shine beyond that of the employee that merely does what is required? Motivation! Motivation leads to learning. If you want to learn more about motivating your team, contact me at DVA Leadership & Development Training ~ Complexity made Simple.
Is your organization facing a leadership challenge? Has a new initiative or reorganization forced you to find a new approach? Do you want to implement a new strategy to improve your organization's performance? Improve your performance by increasing your effective leadership skills and be ready to meet the difficult challenges of today’s economy and business world. DVA leadership training courses help you fulfill your potential through effective leadership skills training in areas like: team building, strategic planning, decision making and more. All DVA leadership trainings teach valuable insights designed to work in a “real world” environment. Sign up today. Call DVA @ 773-671-3315

Neil Pasricha: The 3 A's of awesome | Video on

Neil Pasricha: The 3 A's of awesome | Video on

India Arie-I Choose


Workplace Mentors: How important are they?

A mentor can be a great tool in the workplace. Do you have a workplace mentor? Someone who can explain things to you and help you set workplace goals is considered an ideal mentor. In the best type of mentoring relationships a mentor remains neutral and never takes sides but rather supports your ideals and promotes your professional growth. __________________________________________________________ Getting qualified, talented employees is half the battle---keeping them interested and engaged can very well be the other half. Some companies choose to invest their resources in hiring Organizational Development Consulting firms. If you are not in the financial place to do so, you may find that you can use mentoring to build a fully engaged and committed staff. Contact DVA Leadership & Development Training to learn more. DVA ~ Complexity made Simple

Team Building

In an economy where every employee is forced to do double the work and the supervisor has less and less time to praise such hard work and dedication ... every organization needs Team Building and Motivation. Contact me and let's discuss how to motivate and rejuvenate your team. Sandra Harrison

Hanna Rosin: New data on the rise of women | Video on

Hanna Rosin: New data on the rise of women | Video on